
Carol's Farm-Barnyard Animals & Birds

Various portraits of farm and barnyard chickens, turkeys, geese and pig breeds. Custom hand painted tile art portraits.

Large variety of portraits featuring farm and barnyard birds (hens, cocks) and pigs.
Group 1 features: Barred Rock, Black Maran, Cuckoo Maran, Barred Rock rooster, Rhode Island, Rhode Island rooster.
Group 2: Black Silkie rooster, White Silkie, New Hampshire rooster, Red Wattle pig, Essex boar, Yorkshire pig.
Group 3: White-crested black Polish rooster, White-crested black Polish, Buff Orpington, Bourbon Red heritage turkey tom, Bourbon Red heritage turkey, White Frizzle.
Group 4: White Runner, Chocolate Runner, Pekin duck, Rouen drake, Rouen hen, African grey goose.
Group 5: Wyandotte, Japanese Black-tail white rooster, Japanese Black-tailed white, Wyandotte rooster, Sumatra, Sumatra rooster.

Each portait is hand painted on a single 6 inch ceramic tile.

Tile art portraits of Barred Rock, Black Maran, Cuckoo Maran hens, Barred Rock cock, Rhode Island, Rhode Island cock by artist Julia Sweda.
Group 1
Tile art portraits of Black Silkie cock, White Silkie, New Hampshire cock, Red Wattle pig, Essex boar, Yorkshire pig by artist Julia Sweda.
Group 2
Tile art portraits of White-crested black Polish cock, White-crested black Polish, Buff Orpington, Bourbon Red Heritage turkey tom, Bourbon Red Heritage turkey, White Frizzle by Julia Sweda.
Group 3
White Runner, Chocolate Runner, Pekin duck, Rouen drake, Rouen hen, African grey goose tile art portraits by Julia Sweda.
Group 4
Wyandotte, Japanese Black-tail white cock, Japanese Black-tailed white, Wyandotte cock, Sumatra, Sumatra cock portraits by tile artist Julia Sweda.
Group 5


PO Box 8919
Catalina, AZ

(520) 825-3438
Daily: 10 AM to 8 PM
Arizona Time Zone


"Julia was wonderful to work with, very accommodating and even matched my fabric colors and swatches for my clients kitchen backsplash."
-Mike B.

"Julia did an amazing job and is very busy. She communicated well with the list of wild flowers and pictures I sent her, of the blooms here at our home."
- Ann P.

Templates in Time